Korero Maori e!

Tau ke!

Monday, May 16, 2011

National Young Leaders Day 2011

On Monday our school attended the National Young Leaders 2011 Conference in Rotorua. There were loads of kids from other schools from around the Bay of Plenty and Waikato who were there with us. These are some words of wisdom that speakers shared.

See full size image

Pat Buckley - a drug cousellor and St John's attendant. He and his wife started Amped4Life. His words of leadership wisdom were:

1. Enjoy life because when you grow up you stay as an adult

for the rest of your life

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help

3. Don't let your past shape your future - what you do now in your life could shape the way you live in the future4. You are influenced by the choices you make in life - make good decisions.

Nick Tuitasi is an ex-policeman. His leadership word was TRY.

- T is for truth - tell the truth all the time.

- R is for respect - you should be the one to respect others first.

- Y is for You - try something before anyone else does, step forward and give things a try.

Nick's message was to give anything a TRY, even if you think you're not going to be good at it.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool to know that yous are trying to became young leaders.
